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Denny and Bonnybridge Men's shed are closely engaged with local community and takes part in local activities.

The shed made and installed a planter for Bonnybridge Community Council which has graced the village centre during spring and summer.

Shed had a stall to display their woodwork at Older Peoples Day that has been organised by CVS Falkirk at Falkirk Town Hall. 

Weather was a bit iffy on the day but it did not deter the crowds.  Again our “build your own bird box” went down a storm and we were sold out within two hours.  We had an excellent range of items on show to give the visitors to our stall an idea what the skilled and not so skilled members can do.

This event, run by Falkirk Council, was arranged to open the re-designed centre and the Shed had a prominent stall.   This was the first time we tried to engage youngsters by having them help to build bird boxes, which they could then take home.

This was the start of what proved to be a record-breaking heat wave. At the Shed stall we had to try our best and keep cool.  Our advertising and presentation were improving and great contact was made with the public and we explained the Shed story to many.

For their first venture away from the Shed we had a stall at the local Denny Christmas Fair.  We learned a lot - including wrapping up well against cold blasts of Winter.  Another thing we learned is that, leading up to Christmas, know-one wants to buy planters. We met a lot of people young and old and enjoyed the day and gained valuable experience.


© 2023 Denny and Bonnybridge Men's Shed. Charity number: SC047350


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